Selected Messages Book 2   (6)
The daughter of Mr. Garmire claims, or he claims for her, to have visions; but they bear not the stamp of God. They are of the same character as many such things we have met in our experience—a delusion of Satan. (2SM 73.1) MC VC
I plainly stated at the Jackson camp meeting to these fanatical parties that they were doing the work of the adversary of souls; they were in darkness. They claimed to have great light that probation would close in October, 1884. (2SM 73.2) MC VC
I there stated in public that the Lord had been pleased to show me that there would be no definite time in the message given of God since 1844; and that I knew that this message, which four or five were engaged in advocating with great zeal, was heresy. The visions of this poor child were not of God. This light came not from heaven. Time was short; but the end was not yet. A great work was to be accomplished to prepare a people to be sealed with the seal of the living God.—An Exposure of Fanaticism and Wickedness, 9, 10, (Pamphlet) (1885). (2SM 73.3) MC VC
A Message to J. M. Garmire VC
Satan has arranged things so that you should be ensnared. Fanaticism, deception, and strong delusion hold you captive. You have talked your ideas in your family, misinterpreting scripture, wresting the Word of God from its true interpretation, and have thus led them to believe that the views held and advocated by our people are not correct. Your interpretations of scripture are not in harmony with the positions taken by Seventh-day Adventists (2SM 73.4) MC VC
The mold you have given to your children’s minds savors of the errors that have corrupted your own mind. You have educated them to see spots and stains in others, and to criticize them. By your words and example in thus talking against your brethren and picking up their faults, you have set in motion a train of circumstances that, through your own power combined with satanic agencies, has resulted in the visions of your daughter. All this fault-finding, this accusing of your brethren, is satanic.... (2SM 73.5) MC VC